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Trolls Empty Trolls

Post by Faramir Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:33 pm


Other names:
Maulir (Quenya), Torog (Sindarin), Olog (Black Speech)

Origin and History:
Many different sub-species of Trolls exist, thriving under very different and oftentimes extreme conditions, but their exact shared origin is unknown.

It is said that they, like Orc, were created by Melkor. Unable to give life to his creations himself he must have relied on already existing creatures, twisting them to his purpose. Speculations suggests that Ents were among what would later become the first Trolls. Against this theory speaks that Trolls have little to nothing in common with Yavanna’s children, other than perhaps great strength, great size and slow movement. In general they seem to have more in common with several of the larger animal species known to live on Middle Earth.

Physical characteristics:
The different sub-species of Trolls clearly differ in physical appearance: Cave-Trolls, Hill-Tolls, Snow-Trolls, Mountain-Trolls, Stone-Trolls and Olog-hai. Those living in colder regions often have thick fur, others are only very sparsely covered in fine hairs. Olog-hai are more resistant to sunlight, covered in horny scales and selectively bred by Sauron, making them more similar to Orc or Uruk-hai.

All of them do, however, have some traits in common. Their size, as one of the largest creatures that inhabit Middle Earth, enormous strength and thick skin set them apart from other creatures. They have broad muscular limbs, a broad chest and large pelvic girdle. In contrast to the rest of their body their heads are relatively small. So are their barely visible ears, nose and eyes.

Their general shape seems humanoid at first glance. The majority of their weight seems to be resting on their hind legs, ending in flat, toeless feet, and their front paws often have long toes with claws that can be moved independently from each other, though with far less accuracy than fingers. The movement and the shape of their limbs, however, also appear to have a lot in common with quadrupedal animals. While they can stand up on their hind legs and will occasionally do so in order to lift and throw or reach objects higher up, they seem to prefer remaining on all fours and need to reach for support to lift themselves up.

They possess wide, round mouths with prehensile lips and a great number of small teeth that can be replaced several times if lost, due to three to four rows of replacement teeth underneath. Trolls can move their tongues to some degree, but rely more or their lips to differentiate and select between pieces of food and smaller objects or for grooming.

Legends sometimes describe Trolls as talking. Yet, it seems more likely that the great variety of expressive sounds that they can make, as well as their ability to imitate others has been mistaken for language.

Other legends speak of Trolls turning to stone in direct sunlight. This has never been verified. They have, however, a tendency to move slowly and are hurt easily by sunlight and heat. It damages the hair on their skin and affects their perception. Therefore it seems possible that a hurt and confused Troll, thusly affected, will remain perfectly still, frozen in place due to fear and disorientation, as if turned to stone.

Cross-breeds between Humans and Trolls have been claimed, but never verified.

While their blood per se is not caustic, their diet greatly affects its quality. Since they prefer meat and are largely immune to poisons it is possible that consuming dead Orc could turn their blood as caustic as theirs.

While they have also often been seen wearing armor or clothes, wild Trolls, even though they may pick up a shield, sword or other weapon to use as a tool, neither craft nor put on armor or clothes on their own accord. Those seen wearing them have been outfitted by others and that they enjoy it is questionable.

Typical behavior:
Trolls are, without a doubt, sentient creatures. They are self-ware, communicate and can use basic tools. Even though their skin is though on all exposed parts of their body and hard to penetrate, it is covered in hair, ranging from sparse to thick, and quite sensitive to superficial touch and sunlight.

They feel pain and react accordingly. Surprisingly their natural reaction generally priorities avoidance strategies before aggression. The only exceptions are encounters during which they defend their mates or young, or are starving.

Trolls are able to learn, solve basic problems and teach others by example. Enemies and friends they will eventually recognize and remember for quite some time. They exhibit signs of social and group intelligence. Often they live in extended family groups. There they protect their young and elderly, offer aid and attention to and solicit help from others. Some have been observed mourning their dead and dying close peers. They also show interest in the corpses and bones of their kind regardless if they are related. Touch plays an important part during their social interactions and they will use lips and claws to groom and scratch each other or examine injuries.

All in all their behavior is closer to that of animals than to Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Hobbits or even Orc. It seems reminiscent of several beasts known to roam the wilds of Haradwaith, most prominently among them the massive Mûmakil and their smaller relative, elephants. Connections to sea-cows and whales have also been made, as well as to hippopotamus or rhinoceros.

Trolls, despite their strength and size, are easy to tame, to control and direct by the most basic and gruesome methods. They fear pain, especially caused by sunlight or fire, and remember well who has dealt it out and for what. Accordingly they will try to avoid it. Additionally they seem to be largely unaware of their own strength, can remember and learn simple commands, follow their peers and will not abandon their families, especially their young.

In Mordor, in underground caves, mines and smithies and lead by Orc their strength is often used for labor. Clad in armor and mad with fear they are forced into battle, held in line and riled up with torches, pikes and chains.

They were created by Melkor/Morgoth. Sauron and his servants make use of them. In the wild they may try to scare off or, rarely, attack intruders. They are omnivores who prefer meat. While they try to avoid confrontation, hunger can drive them to attack seemingly weakened or distracted travelers in search and hunt for food. Other encounters have ended deadly after travelers were perceived by stronger Trolls as a threat to their young or weaker mates.
Assistant Loremaster

Posts : 646
Join date : 2019-05-25
Race : Half-Human
Nationality : Gondorian
Occupation : Soldier, Kennel-warden
Age : 35

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